Friday, May 1, 2009

Face to face

I'm posting this woodcut (done a couple of years ago) as an illustration of an exciting incident I had last night. Just after dark, I stepped outside the back door. I was a couple of feet away from the corner of the house and saw an animal just coming around from the other side. I kind of gasped and the animal huffed and turned around. I ran in the house and turned on the floodlight out front, thinking I'd seen a big dog or something. There was a full-grown black bear, just crossing over the driveway! My knees knocked for awhile. I've seen quite a few bears over the years, but never as close as 2-3 feet. Whew!


Hannah Phelps said...

I am glad you are safe, Barbara! I like this print very much, but I would be more impressed if it were a "plein air" piece :)

Barbara Carr said...

Hannah, I would have had to carve a lot more quickly than I usually do! Thanks for your comment.

Mary said...

This is a wonderful print, Barbara--I like the colors of this particular print of your woodcut. Great story--certainly brings your environment alive, in more ways than one!

"Think Tank" Mary

Barbara Carr said...

Thanks, Mary. It helps to live in the boonies (northern variety)! And it makes up for the black flies and mosquitos, sort of.